Wednesday, 2 December 2009

The author...

I just thought I should write about myself, to bore you with who I am so you know a little about who is rambling on.

So, art student, currently a first year at the University of Reading, I'd like to teach art to students older than 14, who want to be taught the wonders of art.
I'm really behind with music and film, but I do appreciate the newer titles, I'm trying to look into a bit of everything, broadening my music tastes. :D

To be honest to much of my time seems to be taken up by facebook... Which I'd love to change. I've started a life drawing course, probably the best thing I could do with my time, something about it just makes me happy.. I could sit and draw for hours on end.

I started to blog, purely because I need to get out some of the random mess that is inhabiting my mind, too many words, images floating in my mind that I had to release it here..

Well.. theres more, basic things, I'll leave this blog with a little blend of words that describe me somehow...

Art. Music. Tattoo books. Piercings. HIM. Volvic. Skulls. Studded leather. Knitte jumpers. Converse. Pentagrams/Heartagrams. Collecting 20ps. Walking around aimlessly. Taking photos. Life Drawing. Sketches/doodles. Procrastinating. Looking into the sky at night. Moon. Rivers at sunset or even sunrise. Finnish bands. Daydreaming. Getting lost in a drawing. Black. Vampire films (NOT TWILIGHT). The time when i'm on the train and lifes a blur. Shopping for food. Where's wally? Cross necklaces... The list is endless..