I could sit and listen to Adele all day long, singing away because I know nobody can hear me! I looked up for tickets to go and see her, and as I'm not willing to sell parts of my body, it's safe to say I can't afford to go (sad times!)
Apart from my stupidly loud singing, I've been reading a hell of a lot on Eva Hesse - stupid dissertation! I'm learning so much about her, which is good because having to write 5000-8000 words on her is going to need knowledge! I'm so scared I'm going to fail this damn essay, having such a lack of faith from my supervisor is merely helping my fear. I guess I'll just plough on through it, get it done to a good enough standard to hopefully continue my 2:1 level in essay writing. Which reminds me, researching the PGCE has been a bit of a scarey realisation. They only accept 2:1 grades or higher, lots of motivation and proof of work experience and a keen enthusiasm... I've got a few of those things, but we'll see this time next year how the grade will pan out. It just worries me that if you get a 2:2 you're application has to be exceptional for you to get a place. GAH! So much to do, so much pressure! My hoes will get me there, but I just have to put in a ton of work! >.<
I'd like to be back in Reading working towards my degree.
I know that's silly as the studio isn't even open, but after researching and reading, all I want is to make a start. It's really haunting, just knowing how much there will be to do when I get back. I think I'm going to get started on my sketchbook, as I've been threatening to do this for a while, but I haven't actually done anything! :( Bad times! I've really go to get my act together for next year! 2 and a half months to go until I start my final year - BRING IT ON!