After a lovely weekend in Eastbourne for my cousin's wedding, I'm feeling so many different emotions, and there are far too many thoughts circulating in my head. I have had family members come up to me and say "you and Joe will be next".. Um no thank you, I'm only 19, I have got a fair few things I'd like to achieve before even considering marriage!
After spending a perfect few days with Joe, I started to mull over what I'd like to do with myself, and my future for that matter. Travelling being the main aim, followed by becoming an art teacher at GCSE/ALevel, or something around that. Then after I've finished living, I'd like to settle down, if I'm still with Joe I'd love for us to go places together.. I mean I know people usually want to get married and have kids, but there are just too many things I'd love to get out and do.
I'm going to start saving, my main aim at the moment, after getting my degree is to do my PGCE, then take a year out to travel around the US of A. I've got a list of things that I'm planning on doing when I'm out there and I will get out and do them!
It seems that if you don't get out and do the things you want in life, then you lead a wasted life, always wishing you'd taken that one big step. I really don't want that to be me. I have been listening to peoples regrets, broken dreams and failures... I can't listen to them anymore, I do get fed up with people complaining that they didn't have enough will power to succeed with their goals. MAN UP! That
won't be me!