I can't breathe.
I've just realised my course starts in 11 days, I haven't got any ideas for the studio work I want to do this year - NONE. After picking up my new timetable online, and seeing studio days are Thursdays still.. It's nice to know I have the beginning of the week to ponder my ideas, but I'm panicking right now. My chest is doing that thing where it feels so tight I can't breathe, and I know at any moment I'll cry and who knows when it'll stop. I've got to try and focus on the positives.. So far all I've got are these:
- I've got a few ideas for exhibitions.
- I have been reading the textbooks..
- I've paid my rent for next month...
God I don't know.
Maybe this is stupid.
I'm dreading going back, knowing that I'll be the one student in my group struggling again, fighting not to fail. PLEASE PLEASE don't let me score low in the first assessment, that would suck! I think I need to get out and go for a walk.