I have now received all of my individual grade sheets for this year, and for the 30% of my year that counts towards the final grade; I have got a 2:1, not the highest 2:1 in the world but, none the less a good grade to start my final year with. I know that I have a LOT of work to do to receive a first at the end of next year, and my God I plan on doing it! Oh, and I've also begun reading a few books on Eva Hesse and Gabriel Orozco for my dissertation - I am terrified of this mammoth essay - essays are my worst fear. If anything is going to ruin my grade it's this beast, 5000-8000 words that have to be perfectly written and presented! :( I am dreading it!
As my second year at university is almost over I have to begin thinking about my summer holiday, to which I've applied for some work experience, but not yet heard anything, I'm not sure whether I should be worried yet, but I'll give it some time. I also have decided that as I have to buy a new laptop I'm going to be working a LOT over summer, although taking a week to go to Italy for my birthday is kind of ruining this plan completely! A few people have started asking me what I'd like for my birthday, and the answer everyone is getting (it's the same every year to be honest) is I don't mind, or I'm not sure yet. I know for people's 21st they generally get a piece of jewellery, and I've been looking on the Tiffany and Co's website to see if there's anything I like.. It's safe to say I got a little excited and picked one of each section; necklace, earrings, bracelet and a ring, here are the pictures of them:

- necklace = PRETTY!! <3

- bracelet.

- earrings.

- ring.
Mostly everything matches, they are all very pretty :) and as it's me, all of them, well, except the ring contain black. I'm not asking for all of them, in fact I'm not going to ask for any of them. I think I'll save up my money and buy them once I've earned it. That way I'll feel so much better for owning a piece of jewelry that's worth a months wages!! Anyway, I've written quite an essay now. So I'll go and do something productive, but I'll be sure to write more often so that the next time there isn't so much to read!
G'night x
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