A sentence that I seem to be living by.
I've started to create a persona for myself...
Useless, art student..
No creativity, lacksing inspiration.
Low self esteem, lacking confidence.
Bad dress sense.
Crap music taste.
This needs to change.. But I can't seem to stop myself from thinking that I am all of the above, no matter how people tell me otherwise. It seems that once you've built up these ideas in your mind, and have done so for a good few years, they stick. You start to live by them, they rule you. It's very hard to break the boundaries that you've set yourself. I for one hate the confidence issues that I have, they stop me from doingn so much with life. I'm sure that maybe i'd have turned out better if i'd just taken that one big step, made a stand, stood out just a little bit. So.. what to do about it. WAKE UP! Stop being such a dickk!
Come on, stop talking about yourself, get rid of the self pity and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! I have to grow up.
Lyrics.. They are makig me stronger.
God Bless H.I.M
Without them, i'd be nothing right now.

I wish that one day I could meet them, just to tell them what an inspiration they are to me, and how they have helped me pick myself up. Goshhh i'd like to seem them in person. Ville Valo especially! :D Meh.. Also, just a quick thank you to the few friends that keep me going, they don't know it, but they give me the few words that I need to keep up with what i'm doing.