I'm listening to a plethera of lovesongs by the band H.I.M, a band I spend most of my days and nights listening to. Plus I must metion that Ville Valo is the reason for a number of obessions I seem to have with the band...

"In six hundred and sixty six ways I love you."
He voice is beautiful.
I often find myself falling asleep to it. The lyrics, so meaningful.
I envy the talent that he possesses. Both in writing and singing.
An artist.
Anyways.. I'm going to see them in March, which is amazing. I'll have my two favourite men in one room! It's hard not to show the excitement that I have bottled up inside. I've heard that they are amazing live, and i'll be able to experiance this myself!!! :)
But. The reason for this blog. Is pretty much that there is no reason, although I read an artical in Kerrang! about Ville Valo and I just wanted to share my love for the band, especially their lead singer :D I will meet him one day, just to tell him how highly i reguard him as an artist, a poet and a genius.
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