I... I touched your face, I held you close... til' I could barely breathe,
Why give me hope, then give me up... just to be the death of me.
Save the rest of me...
Cuz I see you, but I can't feel you anymore - so go away,
I need you, but I can't need you anymore - you hesitate,
Now... now and then, you come around, like there's something left for me.
We were one... we were everything.
I'm still here... but I'll just keep the rest for me,
Cuz I see you, but I can't feel you anymore - so go away.
I need you, but I can't need you anymore - you hesitate.
We never made it... you hesitated... I don't believe,
That I see you, but I can't feel you anymore - so go away.
I need you, but I can't need you anymore - you hesitate,
Cuz I see you, but I can't feel you anymore - so go away.
I need you, but I can't need you anymore - you hesitate - hesitate.
You were my fire, so I burned... now there's nothing left of>me... '
This has to be my favourite song at the moment, I honestly can't stop listening to it, so I've got the album on repeat. It's keeping me calm, becuse I've been given some upsetting news this weekend that has really shocked me, and I'm not quite sure how to deal with it. Apart from my family there is one other person who knows about the situation, and I think I'd like it to stay this way for a while. If I'm completely honest, I'm fed up of life smacking me in the face, it's been one thing after the other since 2008. I guess that's all part of growing up, but I am honestly shocked at the amount of crap that life has in store for me. If it wasn't bad enough with family stuff, the one good thing I thought was about to happen isn't going to... I don't think I mean enough for it to, which sucks. I wish I was given a chance to prove myself, which is silly because I've worn my heart on my sleeve for a while, and I'm about ready to give up. All I want is a little proof that I mean the same to you - is that too much to ask?? A text, a letter... even a facebook message!
'Open up your arms and save my life.'

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