I'm currently sat on the floor in my bedroom at home (Hedgerley home, not Reading home) listening to the Dear John soundtrack, I also have to my right a large Starbucks mocha, and I'm about to start doodling. Oh, and the Jets beat Bracknell 6-3 this evening, which was lovely.
Today has gone well, and I think I'd like things to stay like this. After talking to Nats all afternoon I have realised a few things, and all the stressing and worrying I've been doing is stupid. So, from now on I'm not going to bother worrying... well, I'm going to try. I figure that if I'm getting stressed - I'll shove this album on and draw myself into contentment.
Oh, and just so EVERYONE is aware, I'm blocking out all the people that I can't be bothered with, because you are all causing me far to much hassle, and I don't need it. Especially with uni and family stuff... so deal with it, because NO I don't care if it offends or upsets you, and NO I don't want to change how I am just to please you. Why should I?? This would make me someone that I swore I'd never be, so like me as I am or f*ck off!

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