So therefore I feel a giant fuck off rant/blog is needed, oh and I intend to go on for a bit, so you may want to grab a drink and get comfy!
Okay, so it's all the couples. Romantic, loved up couples. You know the ones, all over each other - disturbingly all over each other. Gosh, I remember at school when people were far too shy to even hold hands with a boy or girl, almost like it was some kind of unknown thing to do. Well, I'm fed up of them. Maybe it's just because I'm single, or maybe I'm being harsh? But.. get the fuck away from me if all you're going to do is fondle with one another in front of me - kissing noises as well!! FUCKING kissing noises! I hate them, and while I'm out I don't want to be sat next to the constant smacking of lips... Thank you! Dear lord, what ever happened to privacy, and the sharing of intimate moments with a loved one in a place where you can be alone.. Relationships really don't mean anything anymore.
Where has the meaning gone in relationships? I mean when your intimacies were kept private, and were a moment that only the two of you knew about... not the entirety of a university students union, or village pub...! I'm honestly disgusted.
The other thing that's getting to me at the moment is the way people are treating me at the moment. I am not a doormat! I am not here to be used, and just for you to be kind to when YOU feel like it, especially when you're just going to fuck off somewhere else and ignore me! What is the point really? I understand I can be a little annoying, yes I get that more than you'll know... but I do have feelings you know! Surprisingly enough I am capable of feeling something, and to be honest what you've done has really hurt me. I know sometimes I'm too much, and I can be quite needy - but is this really reason enough to do what you've done? Am I worth that little to you?? Well thank you. You've really shown me how worthless I am, or how worthless I can feel. Jackass. One other thing, would people kindly stop ditching me... if you're going to make plans with me, then do them! Don't fucking leave it till 15 minutes before it to cancel for some shitty half-arsed reason! it's a pain and I hate it!
My god you people really know how to make a girl feel like complete and utter shit. I don't think there is anything happy to report this evening.

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